The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Colloquium Proceedings on the Health of Canada's OLMC - 2009

Science Colloquium: The Health of Canada’s Official Language Minority Communities
Thursday, November 5, 2009 and Friday, November 6, 2009International Development Research Centre150 Kent Street, Ottawa

The Colloquium on the Health of Canada's Official Language Minority Communities was organized through a partnership involving, among others: Health Canada, the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, the Official Languages Secretariat of Canadian Heritage, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, and the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities. The Colloquium brought together representatives from academic and research communities, health and social services management, administration and planning, federal and provincial governments, and communities concerned with minority language (French and English) health issues.

Principal Objectives

• To disseminate and promote the use of knowledge.
• To disseminate knowledge generated by OLMC health research, helping to identify more accurately the current and future needs of those communities.
• To promote the use of that knowledge so as to develop more effective strategies to meet OLMC needs, particularly with respect to long-term policy and program planning.
• To reduce the isolation experienced by researchers, by enabling the scientific community involved in OLMC health issues to discover work already completed or now under way, on relevant subjects.
• To encourage consultation among researchers, leading to the development of research programs.
• To encourage a new generation of OLMC health research by inviting young researchers to learn about previous work on the subject, motivate them to present their own work on OLMC health in poster form and encourage the development of research collaborations.

Colloquium Proceedings
You can download the Symposium documents below, which are presented in the order they appear in the Colloquium agenda. A summary report of the colloquium will soon be posted on this site. For any questions please contact the Official Language Community Development Bureau of Health Canada at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Day 1 – Thursday, November 5, 2009
9:00 Welcoming Remarks  

• Catherine MacLeod, Senior Director General, Programs Directorate, Health Canada.
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• Dr. Pierre Charest, Director General, Science Policy Directorate, Health Canada.
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9:15 Presentation of Scientific PostersPosters Assessed for Prizes:

1) Efficacité d'un programme intensif de psychoéducation en milieu hospitalier universitaire et satisfaction perçue par les bénéficiaires de soins de santé mentale : Étude rétrospective portant sur une minorité linguistique dans le contexte franco-ontarien du RLISS Champlain. Jean-Phillipe É. Daoust, psychologue, Hôpital Montfort - Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
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2) Culture, Language and Self-Assessments of Future Health: Anglophones and Francophones in Quebec's Eastern Townships. Dale Stout, Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, QC.
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3) Statistical analysis of health system utilization, use of diagnostic testing, and perceptions of quality and satisfaction with health care services of Official Languages Minority Communities (OLMC). Elena Tipenko, Research Analyst, Santé Canada, Ottawa, ON.
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4) Le sentiment d'appartenance à l'école pour des adolescents-es francophones minoritaires : un facteur de protection en matière de santé. Marie Drolet, Professeure agrégée, Chercheure senior CRSEC, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
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5) Portrait des jeunes francophones vivant en situation linguistique minoritaire au Manitoba. Danielle de Moissac, Professeure des sciences biologiques, Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface, Saint-Boniface, MB.
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6) Barrière linguistique et inégalités de santé au Québec : le cas de l'infarctus du myocarde. Catherine Drouin, Étudiante au Doctorat, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC.
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7) La littératie en santé : Ateliers et réflexions sur les compétences essentielles chez les professionnels francophones de la santé et des services sociaux en Ontario. Christiane Fontaine, Directrice générale, Rifssso, Toronto, ON.
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8) Manitoba's Francophone Children: Assessing their Health and Well-being. Janelle de Rocquigny, Étudiante à la maîtrise, Department of Community Health Science, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB.
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9) Facilitating the Access to English-language Mental Health Services in the Estrie Region. Annie Benoit, master's student (community health); RDC Statistical Assistant, Bishop's University, Sherbrooke, QC.
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10) Déterminants du choix d'un programme d'études en santé dans le contexte de la francophonie en situation minoritaire de l'Ouest canadien : cas du programme bilingue en sciences infirmières. Ghislain Sangwa-Lugoma, Directeur, Programmes des sciences de la santé & Coordonateur du Consortium national de formation en santé, Campus Saint-Jean, Université de l'Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
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11) Le quotidien des familles francophones d'origines culturelles diverses vivant en contexte minoritaire linguistique : La construction de la littératie familiale en santé. Margareth Zanchetta, Co-chercheure principale, Ryerson University, Toronto, ON.
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12) L'accès aux services de santé dans la langue minoritaire : analyse secondaire de l'enquête sur la vitalité des minorités de langue officielle (EVMLO). Isabelle Gagnon-Arpin, candidate MSc, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
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13) Le mieux-être des personnes âgées vivant dans trois communautés francophones minoritaires au Nouveau-Brunswick. Suzanne Harrison, Professeure adjointe, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB.
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14) Élaboration d'un programme de recherche sur les facteurs socio-environnementaux, culturels et structurels qui aggissent sur les disparités en matière de santé chez les francophones en contexte minoritaire. Anne Poisson, Coordonnatrice de recherche, Université d'Ottawa (RISF), Ottawa, ON.
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15) Expérience des aidants naturels en contexte linguistique minoritaire: Mieux comprendre les expériences des aidants naturels principaux qui sont francophones en situation minoritaire en Alberta. Marie-Nicole Cloutier, Étudiante à la maîtrise, Campus Saint-Jean, Université de l'Alberta, Edmonton, AB.
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Posters Not Qualifying for Prizes:

A) Vers une problématique émergente. Hélène Laperrière, Professeure adjointe, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
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B) Characteristics and Determinants of Self-Rated Health of Minority Francophone Seniors living in Canada and their Access to Health Services in French. Hubert Alimezelli, PhD Candidate, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan.
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C) Étude de cas : une approche bilingue pour l'orthophonie en milieu minoritaire. Suzanne Sauvé, Orthophoniste – adjointe à la recherche, affiliée au Campus St-Jean, Edmonton, AB.
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D) Les orthophonistes qui travaillent en français dans l'Ouest. Suzanne Sauvé, Orthophoniste – adjointe à la recherche, affiliée au Campus St-Jean, Edmonton, AB.
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E) Représentations sociales du diabète chez les écoliers francophones du Nouveau Brunswick. Lita Villalon, Professeure titulaire, Université de Moncton, Moncton, NB.
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F) Trajectoire d'immigrants francophones de l'est d'Ottawa au sein du système de santé canadien : méthodologie d'enquête. Anne Poisson, candidate M. Sc. et Coordonnatrice de recherche, Risf, Université d'Ottawa, Ottawa, ON.
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10:30 Panel – Health Determinants and Demographics of Official Language Minority CommunitiesChair: Jennifer Johnson, Community Health and Social Services NetworkLecturers:

Jean-François Lepage, Statistics Canada
• Overview of the Trends and Main Factors Affecting the Evolution of Official-Language Minority Communities in Canada.
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Joanne Pocock, Carleton University
• Renewing the Community Narrative in Health – The Case of Quebec's English-speaking Minority Communities.
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Louise Bouchard, University of Ottawa
• Determinants of Health Concerning OLMCs.
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12:00 Lunch BreakKeynote Speaker: Graham Fraser, Commissioner of Official Languages
1:15 Panel – Language and CommunicationChair: Anne Leis, University of SaskatchewanLecturers:

Norman Segalowitz, Concordia University
• Research on health care access for linguistic minorities: Focus on language
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Bianca Lauria-Horner, Dalhousie University
• The impact of a mental health curriculum in Francophone schools
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Rodrigue Landry, Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities, Université de Moncton
• Identity and Life Satisfaction.
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Day 2 – Friday, November 6, 2009
9:00 Panel – Health Human ResourcesChair: Dr. Brian Conway, University of British ColumbiaLecturers:

Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Language Statistics Section, Statistics Canada
• Health Professionals and Official-Language Minorities in Canada.
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Jan Warnke, Consultant
• Health Professionals and Minority Official Language Capacity: Contextual Dimensions of Access to Health.
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Éric Forgues, Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities, Université de Moncton
• The Integration of Francophone International Medical Graduates (IMGs) into Francophone Minority Communities.
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Claudine Côté, Société Santé en français
• The SSF and access to healthcare in French in Minority language communities.
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Jocelyne Lalonde, Consortium national de formation en santé
• Consortium national de formation en santé.
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Jennifer Johnson, Community Health and Social Services Network, and Carmen Lambert, McGill University
• McGill Project builds the future on solid foundations (Carmen Lambert).
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1:15 Presentations on Research Networks

Sylvain Vézina, Groupe de recherche et d'innovation sur l'organisation des services de santé
• GRIOSS : Groupe de Recherche et d'Innovation sur l'Organisation des Services de Santé.
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Lorraine O'Donnell, Quebec English-Speaking Communities Research Network (QUESCREN)
• Introduction to QUESCREN.
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Anne Leis and Louise Bouchard, Réseau de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la santé des francophones en contexte minoritaire au Canada
• RISF: A research network on the health of francophones living in minority situation.
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Louise Bouchard et Marie-Hélène Chomienne, Réseau de recherche appliquée sur la santé des francophones de l'Ontario
• Réseau de recherche appliquée sur la santé des francophones de l'Ontario [Network for Applied Research on the Health of Francophones in Ontario].
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