Ongoing projects
*Advancing Equitable Access to Healthcare for Quebec English-Speaking Minority Community
Author : -
*The Impact of Language on Care and Outcomes in Patients with Prostate or Breast Cancer
AbstractPatients with cancer commonly face complex medical decisions and unique challenges where language/communication is vital. This study aims to understand the impact of language and patient-provider lang ... -
Mesurer l'effet conscientisant des médias sociaux et l'impact sur l'autodétermination des jeunes francophones en situation minoritaire
AbstractThis project involves quantifying the social media consumption habits of young Francophones in minority situations, and assessing the impact of this consumption on their motivation to commit to the Fr ... -
Sillonner les données
Author :AbstractThe production of infographics on Statistics Canada's 2021 census data, covering various themes including immigration and mobility. Reference documents will also produced. -
Exploring the Complexities of Linguistic Discordant Care from the Perspective of Patients and Family Caregivers: A Qualitative Study (2)
Author :AbstractThis qualitative study of linguistic discordance in the healthcare context aims to complement quantitative research that relies on administrative data to assess linguistic concordance. It will help ca ... -
*Chaire de recherche du Québec sur la découvrabilité des contenus scientifiques en français
AbstractThe Chaire de recherche du Québec sur la découvrabilité des contenus scientifiques en français has the dual objective of analyzing the use of French in research in Quebec, Canada and abroad, and study ... -
*Exploration des expériences des médecins de famille de l'Ontario en matière de soins de la discordance linguistique entre médecins et patients pour les groupes linguistiques minoritaire en fin de vie : une étude qualitative
AbstractThis study will answer the following question: What can we learn from the lived experiences of Ontario family physicians about the impact of discordant care on access to groups? Sathy Karunananthan et ... -
*Loi 96 et comparaison N.-B. - projet comme partenaire
AbstractFaisant partie d’une série de trois projets. Cette étude vise à reconstruire les interactions et les débats linguistiques entre les acteurs sociaux et politiques entourant divers enjeux que nous envis ...