White, Philip
Publications sur les minorités linguistiques
, (1993
), Proximity or Regional Cultures? A Re-Examination of Patterns of Francophone-Anglophone Liking of Each Other, Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 18, 3, 303-311.
, (1990
), English/French Canadian differences in types of sport participation: testing the school socialization explanation, Sociology of Sport Journal, 7, 4, 347-368.
, (1990
), Language Regions and Feelings toward Outgroups: Analyses for 1968 and 1984, Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie, 15 (4), 441-462.
, (1990
), Participation in competitive sport among anglophones and francophones in Canada: testing competing hypotheses, International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 25, 2, 125-141.