le carrefour national de la recherche sur les communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire

Conrick, Maeve

Publications sur les minorités linguistiques

, (2009 ), A Study of the Linguistic Representation of Women's Professional Titles and Roles in Châtelaine, dans A. Cone & D. Marley (dir.), The Francophone Women’s Magazine inside and outside France, New Orleans, Paris, Montreal, Yaoundé, Presses Universitaires du Nouveau Monde, 125-136.

, (2007 ), Demographic Trends and the Linguistic Composition of Canada and Quebec: an analysis of recent evidence, dans M. Howard (dir.), Intercultural Dialogue: Canada and the Other / Le dialogue interculturel : Le Canada et l'autre, Ottawa, University of Ottawa Press, 101-116.

, (2007 ), French in Canada: language issues, 28, Berne, Peter Lang.

, (2007 ), Language Policy and Planning and the Status of the Anglophone, Francophone and Allophone Communities of Canada and Quebec: demographic linguistic trends, dans A. Pearson-Evans & A. Leahy (dir.), Intercultural Spaces: Language, Culture and Identity, Berne, Peter Lang, 235-244.

, (2007 ), Legislating for Language: The Canadian Experience of Language Policy and Linguistic Duality, dans M. Howard (dir.), Language Issues in Canada: Multidisciplinary Perspectives, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 24-39.

, (2006 ), Canadian Language Policy in an International Context: the impact of Official Languages legislation in Canada and Ireland, 7, dans P. Anctil & Z. Berndt (dir.), Canada from the outside in: New Trends in Canadian Studies / Le Canada vu d’ailleurs : Nouvelles tendances en études canadiennes, Berne, Peter Lang, 217-232.

, (2006 ), Identity in a Francophone Cultural Context: Issues of Language Rights and Language Use in Canada, 21, dans R. Kiely, G. M. Clibbon, P. Rea-Dickins & H. Woodfield (dir.), Language, Culture and Identity in Applied Linguistics, Londres, Equinox, British Studies in Applied Linguistics, 31-46.

, (2006 ), The challenges of linguistic duality for francophone Canada: contact, conflict and continuity, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 9, 3, 311-328.

, (2005 ), La modernisation du français en Acadie : les médias et la représentation linguistique et professionnelle des femmes, dans G. Clermont & J. Gallant (dir.), La modernité en Acadie, Moncton, Chaire d’études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 75-99.

, (2004 ), The Status of the French Language in Canada: contemporary issues and developments, 26, dans F. Royall (dir.), Contemporary French Cultures and Societies, Berne, Peter Lang, 245-260.

, (2002 ), French in the Americas, 18, dans K. Salhi (dir.), French in and out of France: Language Policies, Intercultural Antagonisms and Dialogue, Berne, Peter Lang, 237-263.

, (2002 ), Language Policy and Gender Issues in Contemporary French, 18, dans K. Salhi (dir.), French in and out of France : Language Policies, Intercultural Antagonisms and Dialogue, Berne, Peter Lang, 205-235.

, (2000 ), The Feminisation Process in Francophone Countries: principle and practice, International Journal of Francophone Studies, 3, 2, 89-105.