The principles of territoriality and personality in the solution of linguistic conflicts
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 13
Collection :
, 5
Revue :
, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development
Pages :
, 387-406
This paper examines the competing principles of territoriality
and personality as key concepts in the provision of language‐related services and rights in multilingual societies. Drawing on recent legislative and sociopolitical change in Belgium, Quebec and Canada we examine to what extent the adoption of such principles actually increases or neutralises language‐related conflict. We argue that sensitive application of certain territorially‐derived language planning policies can lead to a reduction in conflict and reassure threatened linguistic minorities that their rights can be guaranteed within a multilingual political framework. We also argue for a closer liaison between language contact researchers and geographers, particularly in applied language planning policy‐formulation.
and personality as key concepts in the provision of language‐related services and rights in multilingual societies. Drawing on recent legislative and sociopolitical change in Belgium, Quebec and Canada we examine to what extent the adoption of such principles actually increases or neutralises language‐related conflict. We argue that sensitive application of certain territorially‐derived language planning policies can lead to a reduction in conflict and reassure threatened linguistic minorities that their rights can be guaranteed within a multilingual political framework. We also argue for a closer liaison between language contact researchers and geographers, particularly in applied language planning policy‐formulation.
Thème :
CanadaPolitiques PubliquesQuébec
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