Statistics Canada
Publications on Linguistic Minorities
, (2024
), 2021 Census of Population: Analytical product on participation in French immersion, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2024
), More than one in six private sector establishments that required bilingualism expected difficulties hiring bilingual employees, The Daily, 3, Government Report.
, (2024
), Participation in regular French programs in Canada outside Quebec, 2021: Maps, key facts and data table, The Daily.
, (2023
), Almost one in four businesses offers at least one type of service in English and French, The Daily, Newspaper Article.
, (2023
), Characteristics of official language minority businesses and owners: Regional infographics, Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2023
), New historical tables on mother tongue, language spoken most often at home and first official language spoken, Ottawa (Ontario), The Daily, Government Report.
, (2022
), 897,000 children are eligible for instruction in the minority official language in Canada, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2022
), Defining official language minority businesses, Ottawa (Ontario), Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2022
), Fact sheet: Children eligible for instruction in the minority official language: A data ecosystem Text - Selected, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2022
), Focus on Geography Series, 2021 Census of Population, Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2022
), Instruction in the Minority Official Language Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021, Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2022
), Languages Reference Guide, Census of Population, 2021, Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2022
), New products: Instruction in the minority official language, 2021 Census of Population Text - Selected, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2022
), New tables: language, age and gender, 2021 Census of Population, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2022
), Portraits of French-speaking communities across the country, Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2022
), Study: Language used at work by graduates of English, French or bilingual postsecondary institutions, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2021
), Connaissance et utilisation de la langue officielle minoritaire au travail par les travailleurs de la santé, 2001 à 2016, 32, Government Report.
, (2021
), Data tables: Selected arts and culture, and justice occupations and official languages indicators in Canada, 2001 to 2016, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2021
), Early childhood and child care services in official minority language, The Daily, Government Report.
, (2021
), Le français chez les travailleurs de la santé au Canada hors Québec, 2001 à 2016, Statistics Canada and Health Canada.
, (2021
), Le français et l'anglais chez les travailleurs de la santé au Québec, 2001 à 2016, Statistics Canada and Health Canada.
, (2021
), Portrait of French-speaking workers in Ontario’s agriculture and agri-food industries, 2006 and 2016, Statistics Canada, Government Report.
, (2020
), Interprétation et présentation des données linguistiques du recensement, Ottawa (Ontario), Government of Canada, 42, Government Report.
, (2020
), Pandémie de COVID-19 : les personnes qui ne peuvent soutenir une conversation ni en français ni en anglais, Statistique Canada.
, (2019
), Projections démographiques pour le Canada, les provinces et les territoires, 2018 à 2068, Statistics Canada.
, (2013
), Sources de données de Statistiques Canada sur les minorités de langue officielle, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2011
), Étude sur les communications dans les deux langues officielles entre les bureaux régionaux du Québec, l'administration centrale et les organismes centraux, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2008
), L'utilisation des langues en milieu de travail au Canada, Recensement de 2006, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2005
), Apprentissage et réussite : premiers résultats de l'Enquête sur la littératie et les compétences des adultes, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2005
), Learning a Living: First Results of the Adult Literacy and Life Skills Survey, Ottawa, Statistics Canada.
, (2004
), Étude sur la capacité de lecture des élèves dans les écoles pour les minorités linguistiques, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2003
), Portrait des communautés de langue officielle au Canada, Recensement 2001, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2003
), Profils de l'Enquête sur la santé dans les collectivités canadiennes, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (2002
), Profile of languages in Canada: English, French and many others, Ottawa, Statistics Canada.
, (2001
), Study on Communications in Both Official Languages Between Québec Regional Offices, Headquarters and Central Agencies, Ottawa, Statistics Canada.
, (1997
), Lire l'avenir : l'alphabétisme au Canada : faits saillants du rapport canadien, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (1997
), Reading the Future: A Portrait of Literacy in Canada: Highlights from the Canadian Report, Ottawa, Statistics Canada.
, (1995
), Literacy, Economy and Society: Results of the First International Adult Literacy Survey, Ottawa, Statistics Canada.
, (1995
), Littératie, économie et société : résultats de la première Enquête internationale sur l'alphabétisation des adultes, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (1993
), Langue, tradition, santé, habitudes de vie et préoccupations sociales, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (1991
), L'alphabétisation des adultes au Canada : résultats d'une étude nationale, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (1991
), Langue de la minorité et langue seconde dans l'enseignement, niveaux élémentaire et secondaire, 1989-90, Ottawa, Statistique Canada.
, (1991
), Minority and Second Language Education, Elementary and Secondary Levels, 1989-90, Ottawa, Statistics Canada.