Canadian Community Health Survey Profiles
Author :
Publishing Company:
, Statistics Canada
Presents a series of variables by different geographies, such as health regions, census metropolitan areas and rural/urban groups. Also available are profiles of linguistic minorities, Aboriginals and immigrants. The data provide information on the following variables: self-rated health, self-esteem, body mass index, arthritis/rheumatism, diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, pain or discomfort, risk of depression, injuries, functional health, two-week disability days, activity limitation, smoking, frequency of heavy drinking, leisure time activities, fruit and vegetable consumption, decision latitude at work, social support, stress, exposure to second-hand smoke, influenza immunization, mammogram screenings, Pap tests, contact with health care providers, contact with dental professionals, contact with medical doctors, and contact with professionals for mental health.
Theme :
Official Language CommunitiesHealth and Wellness
Database: This is a bibliographic reference. Please note that the majority of references in our database do not contain full texts.
- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here