La langue française au Manitoba (Canada)
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Collection :
, 21
Maison d'édition :
, De Gruyter
Revue :
, Canadiana Romanica
Pages :
, 519
978-3-484-56021-5 978-3-11-090926-5
Ce livre traite de la survie du français en milieu anglophone. Province de l'Ouest canadien, le Manitoba présente une population anglophone et une minorité francophone ancienne. Ce livre décrit la variété de français en usage au Manitoba, particulièrement son histoire et son lexique. A la fois synchronique (1990-1991) et diachronique (1963-1991), cette étude se fonde sur une enquête de terrain, de 'disponibilité lexicale', portant sur les jeunes de 10 à 12 ans. Leur vocabulaire actif est évalué statistiquement: chaque mot s'accompagne de son indice de disponibilité (fréquence dans un champ sémantique donné). Ce corpus lexicométrique inclut mots français actuels et anciens, néologismes canadiens et anglicismes. Il représente le vocabulaire fondamental d'aujourd'hui et il permet d'analyser ses innovations et ses moyens de défense.
This book examines the survival of the French language in an English environment. Manitoba is one of Canada's Western provinces. Its population, mainly English speaking, includes a French minority, whose roots date back to the 18th century. This book describes the variety of French now used in Manitoba, particularly its history and lexicon. This linguistic description, both synchronic (1990-1991) and diachronic (1963-1991), is based on fieldwork targeting the 'available lexicon' of young speakers (ages 10 to 12). Their vocabulary is statistically evaluated: each word is paired with its lexicometric index (frequency in a given semantic field). This lexicometric corpus includes collected words of all types: French words old and new, canadianisms and anglicisms. It represents the basic vocabulary in use in Manitoba today and demonstrates how a language innovates and defends itself lexically.
This book examines the survival of the French language in an English environment. Manitoba is one of Canada's Western provinces. Its population, mainly English speaking, includes a French minority, whose roots date back to the 18th century. This book describes the variety of French now used in Manitoba, particularly its history and lexicon. This linguistic description, both synchronic (1990-1991) and diachronic (1963-1991), is based on fieldwork targeting the 'available lexicon' of young speakers (ages 10 to 12). Their vocabulary is statistically evaluated: each word is paired with its lexicometric index (frequency in a given semantic field). This lexicometric corpus includes collected words of all types: French words old and new, canadianisms and anglicisms. It represents the basic vocabulary in use in Manitoba today and demonstrates how a language innovates and defends itself lexically.
Thème :
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