Le cheminement d'une francophone en situation minoritaire
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Maison d'édition :
, University of Alberta
The many challenges and difficulties for Francophones living in a minority situation in Canada are well documented. In this autobiographical narrative inquiry, I offer my lived experience as a Franco-Albertan engaged in maintaining the French language and French culture in Alberta. The process leading to my own identity building as a francophone is examined. Past influences and experiences from the home and from francophone organizations lead to my strong attachment to the language and to a sense of belonging to its community. My commitment to the preservation of the language and culture motivates me transmit these to our children as well as to be an active member in the francophone community. The emotional and difficult decisions needed are under played by the joys of living as a Francophone. This narrative allows me to better understand the linguistic and cultural path I have taken.
Thème :
AlbertaArts - Culture - Patrimoine - MusiqueFrancophonesMinorités linguistiques
Base de données : il s’agit d’une référence bibliographique. Veuillez noter que la majorité des références de notre base de données ne contient pas de textes intégraux.
- Pour consulter les références sur la santé des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (CLOSM) : cliquez ici