The Anglican Church and socio-political change: implications for an English-speaking minority in Quebec
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Maison d'édition :
, McGill University
Since the early sixties, social and political change in Quebec has fundamentally altered the relationships between the majority French and minority English-speaking populations. As francophones have laid claim to the decision-making spheres of power, anglophones have experienced losses to their community through out-migration and the loss of social power. This study reveals various responses within the church, incorporating concepts of community and 'place' as symbols in identity formation and cultural affirmation. Levels of financial commitment for individual parishes and mission outreach, numbers of Easter communicants and response to liturgical change all show distinctive patterns. The research also points to important implications for the church in relation to its aging population, the role of women, and the significance of family histories.
Thème :
Anglophones au QuébecSciences religieusesSociopolitique
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