The Governance of Canada's Official Language Minorities: A Preliminary Study
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Maison d'édition :
, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages
This study offers a preliminary analysis of the effectiveness of the governance of official language minorities in Canada (English speakers in Quebec and French speakers in the rest of Canada). More specifically, it analyzes the agreements between the federal government and the official language minorities of each province and territory (the Canada-community agreements). Prepared for the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages by Linda Cardinal and Marie-Ève Hudon of the University of Ottawa, the study lays the groundwork to advance current thinking on the effectiveness of horizontal governance of the official language minorities.
Thème :
Anglophones au QuébecCommunautés de langue officielleFrancophones hors QuébecGouvernance - LeadershipMinorités linguistiquesPolitique linguistique
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