Linguistic Human Rights
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Revue :
, The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics
If the search engine Google had existed some 30 years ago, searching on the term “linguistic human rights” (in English) would probably have given maximally a dozen hits or so, if any. Today (October 2011), there were around 9,260,000 hits. Even Google Scholar returns 579,000 entries. It seems that the concept resounds with many people. Language endangerment, maintenance, and revitalization and general protection of both users of various languages and the languages themselves are central topics, with both Indigenous peoples and various minorities (urban, rural, national, immigrant, refugee, asylum‑seekers, etc). Linguistic human rights (LHRs) in education combine many of the interests in this multi‑ and transdisciplinary area.
Thème :
IdentitéPolitique linguistique
Base de données : il s’agit d’une référence bibliographique. Veuillez noter que la majorité des références de notre base de données ne contient pas de textes intégraux.
- Pour consulter les références sur la santé des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (CLOSM) : cliquez ici