Language Policies and Language Rights
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 26
Revue :
, Annual Review of Anthropology
Pages :
, 73-85
This review is an overview of the newly developing field of language rights. it distinguishes between (a) historical/descriptive studies where language rights are treated as the resutant variable with no attempt to predict consequences, and (b) exhortatory and ideologically based studies in which language rights are considered a causal variable. An attempt at definitions follows, set within the field of language planning. Principal concerns, such as territorility versus collective rights, are discussed.
The review ends with an argument to consider language rights as emic rights, which is to say culture-language-context-specific rights, rather than to consider linguistic human rights from a universal rights perspective, which overstates issues and masks rights 'to' as also being rights 'against'. We need a careful exploration of the nature of language rights and their consequences.
Thème :
DroitMinorités linguistiquesPolitique linguistique
Base de données : il s’agit d’une référence bibliographique. Veuillez noter que la majorité des références de notre base de données ne contient pas de textes intégraux.
- Pour consulter les références sur la santé des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (CLOSM) : cliquez ici