Federal, provincial and local language legislation in Manitoba and the Franco-manitobans
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 12
Collection :
, 1
Revue :
, American Review of Canadian Studies
Pages :
, 30-52
Between 1870 and 1890, French and English were accorded equal status in Manitoba. In 1890, English was declared the sole official language, and French-language public school instruction was abolished. Between 1897 and 1916, French was permitted in public bilingual schools. In 1947, a gradual reintroduction of French in public schools began. As a result of a 1979 court case, French is again an official language of Manitoba. However, a steady decline in the number of Francophones in Manitoba, fueled by limited economic opportunities and political power, points to a bleak future for French in Manitoba. [G.-A. Patzwald]
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