Nationalism and Development in Acadia
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 17
Collection :
, 2
Revue :
, Recherches sociographiques
Pages :
, 167-188
Acadia, composed of an ethnic & linguistic minority in anglophone New Brunswick, & still partially loyalist, does not exist as a society, but as a nation. A national sentiment & ideology assure the survival of this colony which has not been assimilated into English culture. Instead of developing plans for a society by overcoming historical facts, Acadian nationalism has been limited to the development of plans for a nation, reducing an actual possibility to a myth believed to be true. Acadia's plans for a nation have silenced plans for a society; argument for this is based on: (1) the search for objectivity in Acadia, (2) myth & history, & (3) a critique of the nationalism of the professional petite bourgeoisie. Cultural analysis of nationalism is conducted by a psychoanalysis of the elements: earth, water, air, & fire. The elemental environment of nationalism is the air, separated from fire & earth. The two privileged values in ideology are devotion & duty, liberty being rejected. Sociological analysis shows that the project for a nation is a class project, & that it is necessarily conservative on the outside & reactionary on the inside. The Acadian petite bourgeoisie has merely assimilated the effects of domination of the Acadian minority. It has made gains as a SC, but condemns any attempt at historical emancipation & creation of a society to further its class interests. Its nationalism has an antidevelopmental effect. AA Tr & Modified by A. Rubins.
Thème :
AcadieMinorités linguistiquesNationalismeNouveau-Brunswick
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