National Linguistic Minorities: The Franco-Ontarian Educational Renaissance
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 6
Collection :
, 3
Revue :
, Prospects
Pages :
, 439-449
Educational problems of the Fr-speaking linguistic minority in Ontario are examined. Current programs for bilingual education in this province indicate that education can play an important role in maintaining & enhancing the culture of a linguistic minority. The history of education in Ontario is discussed, followed by an outline of recent developments in bilingual education. Major elements in the Ontario situation include: (1) a strong attachment by Franco-Ontarians to their language & culture, (2) a preexisting groundwork for rapid development of a bilingual education system, (3) a system for gradual progress, & (4) a generally favorable climate of PO. B. Annesser
Thème :
ÉducationFrancophonesMinorités linguistiques
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- Pour consulter les références sur la santé des communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire (CLOSM) : cliquez ici