The expansion of French language rights in Ontario, 1968-1993: The uses of territoriality in a policy of gradualism
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 40
Collection :
, 3
Revue :
, Canadian Geographer / Le Géographe canadien
Pages :
, 238-257
Durant les 25 dernières années, les Franco-Ontariens ont été soumis à une politique d'après laquelle ils ont obtenu peu à peu leurs droits linguistiques. Cette politique, qui touche à l'éducation, aux tribunaux et aux services gouvernementaux, a une composante spatiale qui a aidé à minimiser les réactions de la majorité, tout en étendant les droits linguistiques du niveau local à la province entière. Les droits linguistiques ont été obtenus dans les domaines de l’éducation et des tribunaux, et il paraît que les mêmes droits seront acquis dans la domaine des services gouvernementaux. C'est par le biais d'une analyse territoriale, que se révèle la signification de ces processus, au niveau provincial.
Franco-Ontarian language rights have been granted through a policy of gradualism over the past 25 years. It will be argued that this policy has embraced a territorial component for selected domains - education, the judiciary, and government services - a fact that has helped to minimize backlash from the majority and aided the processes of extending language rights from the local level to the entire province. This has been accomplished in education and the judiciary and appears to be in progress for government services. It is through an analysis of territoriality that the significance of these processes to substate nationalism is revealed.
Franco-Ontarian language rights have been granted through a policy of gradualism over the past 25 years. It will be argued that this policy has embraced a territorial component for selected domains - education, the judiciary, and government services - a fact that has helped to minimize backlash from the majority and aided the processes of extending language rights from the local level to the entire province. This has been accomplished in education and the judiciary and appears to be in progress for government services. It is through an analysis of territoriality that the significance of these processes to substate nationalism is revealed.
Thème :
DroitFrancophonesOntarioPolitique linguistique
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