Radio-Canada et la promotion de la culture francophone (1936-1997)
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 55
Revue :
, Vingtième Siècle. Revue d'histoire
Pages :
, 112-123
La radio et la télévision exercent partout un rôle culturel prépondérant. Fondée en 1936, Radio-Canada a mis en place une véritable politique de la langue française, en vue de défendre la francophonie contre la menace d'assimilation par la culture anglophone.
In the service of 6.5 million Franco-phones, Radio-Canada (SRC) has been fighting since 1936 against Anglophone assimilation. From the promotion of Francophone artistic talents to the Frenchification of sport vocabulary, the defence of French cultures has been accompanied by a constant effort to assure the literary quality of the spoken language. The French spoken on the SRC today plays the role of language reference. But the undertaking has been suffering since 1986 by a budget squeeze, to the extent of seeing its mission put into question.
In the service of 6.5 million Franco-phones, Radio-Canada (SRC) has been fighting since 1936 against Anglophone assimilation. From the promotion of Francophone artistic talents to the Frenchification of sport vocabulary, the defence of French cultures has been accompanied by a constant effort to assure the literary quality of the spoken language. The French spoken on the SRC today plays the role of language reference. But the undertaking has been suffering since 1986 by a budget squeeze, to the extent of seeing its mission put into question.
Thème :
FrancophonesMédias - Communications
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