La démolinguistique et le destin des minorités françaises vivant à l’extérieur du Québec
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 1
Revue :
, Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada / Mémoires de la Société royale du Canada
Pages :
, 123‑141
Between 1971 and 1981, 10% of those Canadians whose maternal language had been French abandoned it as their primary language in northwestern New Brunswick, where 58% of the population was of French descent. In southeastern and northeastern Ontario, where 25% to 35% of the population was of French extraction, abandonment reached 25%. In Newfoundland, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, southern New Brunswick, northwestern Ontario, and Manitoba, anglicization occurred in 40% to 60% of the French populace. Further north and west, it exceeded 60%. Maintenance of French was most strongly dependent upon the strength of the local French community. [A. W. Novitsky]
Thème :
DémographieFrancophones hors QuébecMinorités linguistiques
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