Vous avez dit franco‑manitobains?
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Volume et numéro :
, 12 (21)
Revue :
, Études canadiennes / Canadian Studies
Pages :
, 59‑66
Demonstrates how the elaboration of such new concepts as ’bilingualism,’ ’biculturalism,’ and ’multiculturalism’ gradually led the federal government to set up a network of services aimed at minority language groups in the regions. The Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism did not recommend that Manitoba be declared bilingual, as it did for Ontario and New Brunswick. Yet, because of its geographical position, and its long history of political debates on linguistic rights, Manitoba will sooner or later experience conflict over this issue. The Franco‑Manitobans remain a very active minority and maneuver carefully through, or in spite of, the political minefield, to retain their identity.
Thème :
BilinguismeDroitFrancophonesManitobaMinorités linguistiques
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