Contact-induced linguistic innovations on the continuum of language use: The case of French in Ontario
Année :
Volume et numéro :
, 8 (2)
Revue :
, Bilingualism : language and cognition
Pages :
, 99-115
In this paper we present a methodological approach that can be used to determine the likelihood that innovations observed in a minority language are the result of language contact. We then use this methodological approach to frame a discussion of data concerning eight innovations that can be attributed to transfer from the majority language (English) to the French of Francophones residing in the province of Ontario in Canada. This discussion shows, notably, how systemic and extra-systemic factors play a role in the emergence of these innovations. We also demonstrate that there are interesting differences in the extent to which these innovations are used across speaker groups and communities, and we argue that such differences suggest that there are thresholds of language contact associated with the emergence, or lack thereof, of particular transfer-induced innovations.
Thème :
FrancophonesMinorités linguistiquesOntarioVécu langagier
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