The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities


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Hayday, Matthew

Associate Professor University of Guelph, Department of History
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 1.519.824-4120 poste 56052 Theme : Quebec AnglophonesBilingualismCitizenshipEducationHistory and folkloreIdentityOfficial languagesNationalismLanguage PolicyQuebec Interest with research on linguistic minorities I am interested in the history of language policy, both as it affects official language minority communities, but also in terms of how the majority language communities have responded to these policies.

Publications on Linguistic Minorities

, (2016 ), Book Review: Belliveau, Joel, Le “Moment 68” et la réinvention de l’Acadie (2014), Minorités linguistiques et société / Linguistic Minorities and Society, 7, Marie-Odile Magnan et Patricia Lamarre (dir.), p. 216-218.

, (2016 ), Brought To You by the Letters C, R, T, and C: Sesame Street and Canadian Nationalism, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 27(1), Ottawa, The Canadian Historical Association, 95-137.

, (2009 ), From Repression to Renaissance: French-language rights in Canada before the Charter, dans J. Miron (dir.), A History of Human Rights in Canada: Essential Issues, Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press, 182-200.

, (2008 ), L'expertise au service de la cause : La mobilisation de l'expertise pédagogique pour les communautés francophones minoritaires, 1960-1985, dans M. Martel & M. Pâquet (dir.), Légiférer en matière linguistique, Québec, Presses de l’Université Laval, 295-316.

, (2008 ), Mad at Hatfield's Tea Party: Federalism and the Fight for French Immersion in Sackville, New Brunswick, 1973-1982, dans M. Hammond-Callaghan & M. Hayday (dir.), Mobilizations, Protests and Engagements: Canadian Perspectives on Social Movements, Halifax, Fernwood Publishing, 145-163.

, (2005 ), Bilingual Today, United Tomorrow: Official Languages in Education and Canadian Federalism, Montréal / Kingston, McGill-Queen’s University Press.

, (2002 ), Worlds Appart in Acadie: Official languages programs in education in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 1968-1984, Journal of the Canadian Historical Association / Revue de la Société historique du Canada, 13, 1, 235-257.
Co-edited with Michael D. Behiels, Contemporary Quebec: Selected Readings and Commentaries (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2011).

Hayday, Matthew. “Bilingualism versus Unilingualism: Federal and Provincial Language Education Policies in Quebec, 1960-1985,” in Contemporary Quebec: Selected Readings and Commentaries, edited by Michael Behiels and Matthew Hayday (Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, forthcoming).

Hayday, Matthew. “From Repression to Renaissance: French-language rights in Canada before the Charter,” in‘True North Strong and Free’? A History of Human Rights in Canada, edited by Janet Miron (Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2009), 182-200.

“La francophonie canadienne, le bilinguisme et l’identité canadienne dans les célébrations de la fête du Canada.” In Entre lieux et mémoire: L’inscription de la francophonie canadienne dans la durée, edited by Anne Gilbert, Michel Bock, and Joseph-Yvon Thériault (Ottawa: Presses de l’Université d’Ottawa, 2009).

Hayday, Matthew.  Bilingual Today, United Tomorrow: Official Languages in Education and Canadian Federalism.  Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2005.

Hammond-Callaghan, Marie and Matthew Hayday, ed.  Mobilizations, Protests and Engagements: Canadian Perspectives on Social Movements.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2008.
Hayday, Matthew.  “L’expertise au service de la cause : La mobilisation de l'expertise pédagogique pour les communautés francophones minoritaires, 1960-1985” In  Légiférer en matière linguistique, dir. Marcel Martel and Martin Pâquet, 295-316.  Québec: Presses de l’Université Laval, 2008.

Hayday, Matthew.  “Mad at Hatfield's Tea Party: Federalism and the Fight for French Immersion in Sackville, New Brunswick, 1973-1982.” In Mobilizations, Protests and Engagements: Canadian Perspectives on Social Movements, ed. Marie Hammond-Callaghan and Matthew Hayday, 145-163.  Halifax: Fernwood Publishing, 2008.

Hayday, Matthew.  “From Repression to Renaissance: French-language rights in Canada before the Charter.” In A History of Human Rights in Canada: Essential Issues, ed. Janet Miron, 182-200.  Toronto: Canadian Scholars’ Press, 2009.

Hayday, Matthew.  “Worlds Apart in Acadie: Official Languages Programs in Education in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, 1968-1984.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 13 (2002): 238-257.

Hayday, Matthew.  “The Canadian Government and the Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism: A New Direction for Official Languages in Education.” Canadian Issues (June 2003): 16-18.

Hayday, Matthew.  “Pas de Problème: The Development of French-Language Health Services in Ontario, 1968-86.” Ontario History, 94 (2) (Autumn 2002): 183-200.

Hayday, Matthew.  “Confusing and Conflicting Agendas: Federalism, Official Languages and the Development of the Bilingualism in Education Program in Ontario, 1970-1983.” Journal of Canadian Studies, 36 (1) (June 2001): 55-79.