Le multiculturalisme, l’immigration francophone hors Québec et la Loi sur les langues officielles
Author :
Volume and number:
, 50‑1
, Revue générale de droit
Pages :
, 179‑202
Since the 1970s, Canada has implemented a multiculturalism policy that focuses on respecting and promoting ethnic diversity in the Canadian society. Legislation was passed by the Parliament of Canada and an interpretative provision was inserted into the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. Do immigrant languages have legal protection and what are their relationships and their links to the Official Languages Act ? In this regard, what role does the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages play ? On the other hand, immigration law sets the development of official language minorities among its objectives. Similarly, the Official Languages Act imposes on the federal government the duty to support and promote this development. It also makes the provision of public services in the official minority language dependent on a minimum number of individuals. Does the current management of Canadian authorities on Francophone immigration outside Quebec meet the obligations that the law imposes on the federal government ? Fifty years after its passage and as questions are raised about its modernization, how should the Official Languages Act take into in account immigration and its linguistic impact ? What role should the Commissioner of Official Languages assume in this area ?
Theme :
CanadaFrancophonesFrancophones Outside QuebecImmigrationOfficial languagesMultilingualism
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here