Identifications et rapports entre majoritaires et minoritaires. Discours de jeunes issus de l’immigration
Volume and number:
, 17
, La « diversité » ethnoculturelle au Québec : rapports identitaires, discrimination, exclusion et racisme
Publishing Company:
, Groupe de recherche diversité urbaine et CEETUM
, Diversité urbaine
Pages :
, 29-47
Studies conducted in the 1990s and 2000s highlighted the multiple identifications of young people of immigrant background attending Montreal schools and their detachment from the “francophone Québec” identity. This detachment from the majority group identity is found in other societies. A critical analysis of ethnic relationships allows us to understand this boundary between minority and majority groups by taking into account the power relationships involved. We analyze 60 qualitative interviews conducted with young people from immigration backgrounds in Montreal. A typological analysis highlights three types of rapport in relation to the majority group as well as multiple self-identifications that arise from these. It turns out that many of the young respondents have developed a tense relationship with the majority group and that most of them identify with their country of origin and with Canada. In the conclusion, we discuss the social and political implications of these results.
Theme :
Official Language CommunitiesImmigrationIdentityCultural IdentityYouthCulturel minorityLinguistic minoritiesQuebec
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here