La dimension populiste de l'émergence et du succès électoral du Parti Confederation of Regions au Nouveau-Brunswick
Author :
Volume and number:
, 32
, 2
, Canadian Journal of Political Science / Revue canadienne de science politique
Pages :
, 293-315
Le succès électoral du Parti Confederation of Regions (CoR) aux élections provinciales de septembre 1991 a causé une grande surprise au Nouveau-Brunswick. La plupart des observateurs ont surtout relevé l'anti-bilinguisme et la tendance xénophobe de ce parti anglophone opposé au principe du bilinguisme officiel. La présente étude se propose d'explorer un autre aspect important permettant d'expliquer la progression rapide de ce parti entre 1989 et 1991, à savoir sa dimension populiste. L'expérience du CoR peut-elle s'apparenter à la montée des nouveaux partis populistes de droite dans les démocraties occidentales? Nous explorons la dimension populiste sous plusieurs aspects: le contexte d'émergence, l'organisation et les techniques de mobilisation, le discours des membres fondateurs et les attitudes du membership.
The rise and electoral success of the Confederation of Region Party (CoR) in New Brunswick was seen as a major surprise in the context of provincial politics. The first reaction was to analyze the new party as mainly a party opposed to official bilingualism. In this article the author looks at another aspect of importance that is the populist dimension behind the CoR party. Four aspects are studied: the period of emergence (1989-1991), party organization and structures, ideology, attitudes of the membership.
The rise and electoral success of the Confederation of Region Party (CoR) in New Brunswick was seen as a major surprise in the context of provincial politics. The first reaction was to analyze the new party as mainly a party opposed to official bilingualism. In this article the author looks at another aspect of importance that is the populist dimension behind the CoR party. Four aspects are studied: the period of emergence (1989-1991), party organization and structures, ideology, attitudes of the membership.
Theme :
BilingualismNew Brunswick
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here