The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Call for Papers for an International Thematic Issue - Deadline is May 1, 2019

The journal Linguistic Minorities and Society invites proposals for articles to be included in an international thematic issue on public policies and citizen practices which support social services and health care for official or co-official language minority communities in Canada and in countries around the world. The website which hosts Minorités linguistiques et société/Linguistic Minorities and Society ( allows free access at any time to all documents included in the journal: articles, summaries, and reviews of recent publications.

Working Title of this International Thematic Issue

Public policy and citizen-based practices that support social and health services for official and co-official language minority communities. An international perspective: What has really been achieved and what are the gaps?

Full description here

Call for Proposals 28 03 2019 EN Page 1