The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Publication of the sixth issue of the journal Linguistic Minorities and Society - October 2015

Image Revue 02

The sixth special issue of the journal Minorités linguistiques et société/Linguistic Minorities and Society focuses on "Research Benefiting Better Access to Health Care Services."

Co-directed by professors Suzanne Dupuis-Blanchard and Sylvain Vézina, the latest issue of the journal Linguistic Minorities and Society focuses on "Research Benefiting Better Access to Health Care Services."

This special issue follows the 3rd Research Forum of the Consortium national de formation en santé (CNFS) at which participants were invited to share the results of their research. The publication of this issue marks an important milestone because, as Dupuis-Blanchard and Vézina point out in their introduction, the health care sector has only recently attracted the attention of scholars interested in the perspective of minority-language communities -- as opposed to the education sector which has been the subject of research for a long time.

The high quality of the nine articles selected after peer review illustrates the advances of research in the field of health care. The authors provide the results of their work in areas as diverse as: intercultural training and social action; access of Franco-Manitobans to health services; the vulnerability of Francophone seniors living in a minority context; access of the elderly to health services in French in collective housing; training of health care professionals for active delivery of services in French; delivery of social and health care services in French for Francophone communities in a minority situation; taking language into account in the organization of health care services in Anglophone establishments; the availability of human resources capable of offering services in the minority language; and the state of research and application of knowledge benefiting access to health care services in French.

Minorités linguistiques et société/Linguistic Minorities and Society is a scholarly journal aimed at publishing the results of research and reflections on official-language communities in a minority context in Canada and on other linguistic minorities in Canada.

To consult the journal, please go to the official web site of the journal: