The book « Gouvernance communautaire et innovations au sein de la francophonie néobrunswickoise et ontarienne » is launched - March 2015

The photo taken at the launch shows us one of the co-authors of the book, Éric Forgues, director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities and director of the collection Langues officielles et sociétés, to the left, and Anne Robineau, assistant director of the Institute as well as co-director of the collection.
This original work is in the context of the debate on the relationship between state and society, taking aim of community governance initiatives implemented in Francophone communities in New Brunswick and Ontario since the in 1990 to better meet some of their current challenges, whether in the field of arts and culture, community and economic development of Francophone immigration, youth or justice. The responses to these challenges by Francophone community groups of these two provinces contain knowledge and important lessons to understand the situation of Francophone communities and their influence on the formulation of public policies. The book is based on a collaborative research approach whose objective was also to help democratize research to the community.
Description of the book:
For further information, please contact CIRLM at 506.858.4669 or by e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or to purchase the book, you can contact the Librairie acadienne of Université de Moncton at 506.858.4140.