The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Rodrigue Landry is the recipient of the Prix Boréal 2012 presented by FCFA - October 2012

rodrigueThe Prix Boréal 2012 was awarded to researcher Rodrigue Landry in recognition of his significant contribution to a greater understanding of the reality of francophone minority communities.

Serving up until recently as the Director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Miniorities (CIRLM), that is housed at the Université de Moncton, Mr. Landry is known for his research in the areas of education in minority settings, of early childhood, of self-determined language behavior and the ethno-linguistic vitality of communities.

As the Director of the CIRLM, he was also an active and committed member of the Leaders Forum, a grouping of 43 organizations and institutions working together to implement the Community Strategic Plan that arose from the Sommet des communautés francophones et acadienne in 2007.  He also served on the Follow-up Committee assembled as part of this Forum.

Each year since 1995, the Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada gives out the Prix Boréal to an individual or group in recognition of contributions made to the development of francophone and Acadian communities and to the growth of the Canadian Francophonie. 

News release taken from the FCFA website: (Website, available in french only)

The entire CIRLM team wishes to extend its warmest congratulations to Mr. Rodrigue Landry on receiving this very well-deserved award.