L’avenir du passé : identité, mémoire et récits de la jeunesse québécoise et franco-ontarienne
Publishing Company:
, Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa
, Amérique française
Pages :
, 253
L’avenir du passé présente les résultats d’une vaste enquête sur la mémoire et la conscience historique du Canada français au sein de la jeunesse francophone du Québec et de l’Ontario. L’enquête soulève la question du rapport que des jeunes milléniaux entretiennent avec le passé des francophones au pays et se dotent d’une vision narrative pour orienter leur vie de citoyen et de membre d’une communauté d’appartenance. Plus de 600 récits forment un corpus original qui met en perspective les résultats obtenus au sein de chaque groupe. L’enquête permet de valider le postulat selon lequel les participants de ces deux provinces partagent un récit commun de l’histoire nationale et s’identifient aux mêmes communautés d’appartenance. L’ouvrage nous entraine également au cœur d’une vaste réflexion sur la transmission de l’histoire nationale chez les jeunes en contexte francophone canadien. Quelle place devrait occuper les enquêtes comme celle-ci dans l’éducation historique des jeunes ? Comment l’école peut-elle favoriser la construction d’une conscience historique plus réfléchie et l’élaboration de narrations plus complexes, actualisées, et ouvertes aux réalités multiples de notre monde ?
L’avenir du passé offers the results of an extensive survey on the historical consciousness of young Francophones from Québec and Ontario. The book raises the question of young millennials’ relationship with the past of French Canada, and how they acquire a narrative vision to guide their practical lives as citizens and members of a community of belonging. More than 600 narratives create an original corpus for comparative analysis between groups. The book reveals that participants from both provinces share a common narrative framework of national history and identify with distinctive communities of belonging. It also takes the reader to the heart of an extensive reflection on the transmission of national history in the context of Canadian history education. What is the place of studies like this one for educating young citizens? How can schools foster the construction of a more thoughtful historical consciousness and the development of more complex and polythetic narratives, open to the multiple perspectives of our world?
L’avenir du passé offers the results of an extensive survey on the historical consciousness of young Francophones from Québec and Ontario. The book raises the question of young millennials’ relationship with the past of French Canada, and how they acquire a narrative vision to guide their practical lives as citizens and members of a community of belonging. More than 600 narratives create an original corpus for comparative analysis between groups. The book reveals that participants from both provinces share a common narrative framework of national history and identify with distinctive communities of belonging. It also takes the reader to the heart of an extensive reflection on the transmission of national history in the context of Canadian history education. What is the place of studies like this one for educating young citizens? How can schools foster the construction of a more thoughtful historical consciousness and the development of more complex and polythetic narratives, open to the multiple perspectives of our world?
Theme :
History and folkloreOntarioQuebec
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here