The literacy skills of New Brunswick francophones: Demographic and socioeconomic issues
, 89-657-X2016001
Publishing Company:
, Statistics Canada
, Ethnicity, Language and Immigration Thematic Series
New Brunswick francophones have made major progress in terms of education in recent decades. Nevertheless, they continue to perform far less well on proficiency tests than their anglophone counterparts and francophones from Quebec, Ontario and Manitoba. More than 60% of the province’s francophones scored in the lower range of the literacy and numeracy scales. Their performance on the PIAAC literacy test is at least 10 points lower than that of the other groups that were looked at. These gaps are nothing new. The literacy and education levels of New Brunswick francophones have traditionally been lower than those of anglophones and of the other francophone groups in Canada. They make less frequent use of their literacy skills than their anglophone counterparts. In addition to reading less frequently at home, New Brunswick francophones were also less likely to do so at work.
Theme :
DemographyEducationFrancophones Outside QuebecYouthOfficial languagesLiteracyLinguistic minoritiesNew BrunswickSocioeconomic
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