La traversée des frontières scolaires par les francophones et les anglophones au Québec : 2000-2002
Author :
Volume and number:
, 32 (2)
, Cahiers québécois de démographie
Pages :
, 223-253
Les auteurs tracent, à l'échelle du Québec, le portrait de la fréquentation par les francophones et les anglophones d'une école de l'autre secteur, eu égard à l'ampleur du phénomène et à ses variations à divers points de vue (ordre d'enseignement, réseau public ou privé, régions), ainsi qu'à son impact sur l'un et l'autre secteur d'accueil. Ils approfondissent ensuite la réalité montréalaise en prenant comme unité d'analyse des écoles à population mixte au plan linguistique, dont ils décrivent le profil spécifique : localisation géographique; appartenance au réseau privé ou public; degré de concentration ethnique et de défavorisation. Ils proposent en conclusion une réflexion préliminaire sur le sens de la traverséee des frontières scolaires au Québec au plan des relations ethniques.
In the first part of the article, the authors provide a general overview of Québec francophones' and anglophones' attendance of schools belonging to the other linguistic sector. The magnitude of the phenomenon, its variations (educational levels; public or private school systems; regions) and its different impacts on the receiving sectors are discussed. In the second part, the authors focus on Montréal in taking, as their unit of analysis, schools with linguistically mixed clienteles whose specific profile (geographic location; private or public affiliation; level of ethnic concentration and socio-economic deprivation) is described. The authors conclude with a preliminary reflection on the significance, for ethnic relations, of linguistic crossovers within the Québec public school system.
In the first part of the article, the authors provide a general overview of Québec francophones' and anglophones' attendance of schools belonging to the other linguistic sector. The magnitude of the phenomenon, its variations (educational levels; public or private school systems; regions) and its different impacts on the receiving sectors are discussed. In the second part, the authors focus on Montréal in taking, as their unit of analysis, schools with linguistically mixed clienteles whose specific profile (geographic location; private or public affiliation; level of ethnic concentration and socio-economic deprivation) is described. The authors conclude with a preliminary reflection on the significance, for ethnic relations, of linguistic crossovers within the Québec public school system.
Theme :
AnglophonesEducationFrancophonesGeography – MappingInstitutionsLinguisticsSchool SettingQuebec
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