La géographie culturelle québécoise. Rôle et objet depuis la Révolution tranquille
Author :
Volume and number:
, 51
, 143
, Cahiers de Géographie du Québec
Pages :
, 219-242
La géographie culturelle québécoise se distingue des autres sous-disciplines géographiques en ceci qu’elle s’intéresse aux modalités et aux finalités identitaires des pratiques territoriales qui structurent et qui créent le Québec. Soit une singularité qui la rendrait essentielle au devenir de la géographie québécoise comme de la société québécoise toute entière. Un examen des fondements de la géographie culturelle québécoise de même que de ses principaux enjeux et acteurs est ici proposé afin d’évaluer en quoi elle participe de la dynamique socioterritoriale québécoise et en quoi elle permet de saisir le sens du lieu et le sentiment d’appartenance de ceux qui, habitant le Québec, s’y reconnaissent et s’y projettent.
Quebec’s cultural geography stands out from its other geographical sub-disciplines in that it takes special interest in the identity-related means and ends of the territorial practices that structure and create the entity that is the province of Quebec, a distinguishing feature making it essential to the destiny of Quebec geography as well as to the future of Quebec society. An examination of the foundations of Quebec’s cultural geography and of its main issues and actors is proposed here in order to evaluate how it takes part in Quebec’s socioterritorial dynamic and how it helps us to understand the meaning of place and the sense of belonging of those who, inhabiting Quebec, recognize themselves as Quebecers and project themselves onto its space.
Quebec’s cultural geography stands out from its other geographical sub-disciplines in that it takes special interest in the identity-related means and ends of the territorial practices that structure and create the entity that is the province of Quebec, a distinguishing feature making it essential to the destiny of Quebec geography as well as to the future of Quebec society. An examination of the foundations of Quebec’s cultural geography and of its main issues and actors is proposed here in order to evaluate how it takes part in Quebec’s socioterritorial dynamic and how it helps us to understand the meaning of place and the sense of belonging of those who, inhabiting Quebec, recognize themselves as Quebecers and project themselves onto its space.
Theme :
Geography – MappingHistory and folkloreIdentityCommunity Practices
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