The Influence of Cultural Background on Parental Perceptions of Adolescent Gambling Behaviour: A Canadian Study
Volume and number:
, 10
, 4
, International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
Pages :
, 537‑550
Considerable research has begun to address youth gambling issues from a bio‑psycho-social perspective. The current Canadian national study adds to this body of knowledge by examining the cultural influences impacting parent’s attitudes, behaviors and perceptions of youth gambling. A total of 3,279 parents with a child between the ages of 13 and 18 years of age responded to the survey, with 500 Francophone and 200 Anglophone parents from Quebec being compared to the larger national sample. The results confirm previous reports by youth that parents do not perceive youth gambling to be a serious issue. Of 13 potential adolescent risky behaviors, gambling is viewed as the least problematic. Comparisons between Francophone and Anglophone parents suggest that Francophone parents discussed issues related to gambling more often with their children. The results suggest that a number of cultural differences exist and this may impact youth gambling problems. The need for greater parental awareness concerning youth gambling as a prevention measure is discussed.
Theme :
FamilyYouthOfficial languages
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