Littératie en matière de santé : des moyens novateurs de stimuler la prise en charge par la population francophone du nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick
, 28
, Francophonies d'Amérique
Pages :
, 139-154
L’Organisation mondiale de la santé (OMS) définit la promotion de la santé comme le processus qui confère aux populations les moyens d’assurer une plus grande maîtrise de leur propre santé et de l’améliorer. Or, comment parler de prise en charge de sa santé alors qu’une partie importante de la population francophone du nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick ne possède pas le niveau minimal d’alphabétisation requis pour fonctionner dans notre société actuelle ? Une démarche habilitante auprès de cette population a été menée. Les résultats préliminaires sont exposés, dévoilant les avantages et les obstacles d’une campagne médiatique.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. But how is it possible to talk about control over one’s own health when a large part of the Francophone population of northeast New Brunswick does not have the minimum level of literacy needed to function in today’s society. An empowering approach was taken with this community and we report the preliminary results, which demonstrate the advantages and difficulties in a media campaign.
The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health promotion as the process of enabling people to increase control over and to improve their health. But how is it possible to talk about control over one’s own health when a large part of the Francophone population of northeast New Brunswick does not have the minimum level of literacy needed to function in today’s society. An empowering approach was taken with this community and we report the preliminary results, which demonstrate the advantages and difficulties in a media campaign.
Theme :
FrancophonesLiteracyNew BrunswickHealth and Wellness
Database: This is a bibliographic reference. Please note that the majority of references in our database do not contain full texts.
- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here