Réflexions méthodologiques sur le leadership des femmes et des hommes en éducation
Volume and number:
, 20
, 1
, Recherches féministes
Pages :
, 83‑99
L’étude du leadership en éducation fait face au défi de la qualité des designs méthodologiques retenus pour expliquer les différences entre les femmes et les hommes. Cet article met en évidence l’importance de retenir un design diversifié et de faire appel à un échantillon mixte composé d’un grand nombre de femmes et d’hommes. On y propose une piste intéressante : la méthode de la statistique textuelle et du logiciel Alceste appliquée aux discours de 21 directrices et de 26 directeurs d’école. Les résultats permettent de conclure à l’importance des facteurs contextuels et démographiques autres que le genre dans l’explication des différences entre le leadership des femmes et celui des hommes.
The study of educational leadership is confronted to the challenge of the quality of the methodological designs used to explain differences between women and men. This paper highlights the importance of selecting various methodological designs and using gender‑mixed sizeable samples. Textual statistics is proposed as a promising avenue as exemplified in a study where the software Alceste was used to analyse interviews with 21 female principals and 26 male principals. Results underline the importance of contextual and demographic factors other than gender in explaining the differences between the leadership of women and men.
The study of educational leadership is confronted to the challenge of the quality of the methodological designs used to explain differences between women and men. This paper highlights the importance of selecting various methodological designs and using gender‑mixed sizeable samples. Textual statistics is proposed as a promising avenue as exemplified in a study where the software Alceste was used to analyse interviews with 21 female principals and 26 male principals. Results underline the importance of contextual and demographic factors other than gender in explaining the differences between the leadership of women and men.
Theme :
EducationWomenGovernance – Leadership
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