La médiation entre l'école francophone et les familles immigrantes en Colombie-Britannique : regards et discours d'enseignants immigrants francophones
Author :
Volume and number:
, 17
, 2
, Nouveaux cahiers de la recherche en éducation
Pages :
, 96-124
French-speaking immigrant teachers’ discourse and perceptions on mediation between immigrant families and francophone schools in British Columbia
Francophone schools in British Columbia have seen their population gradually diversify due to a substantial increase in immigration in recent years. This diversification of the educational environment is redefining the face of the French-speaking community, both in terms of its identity and its language, and raising questions about the ties between families and schools. Indeed, immigrant families are facing a different educational culture that challenges their representations of francophone identity in B.C. schools. Our paper examines these representations through the special lens of teachers as immigrants and as parents. How can these representations shed light on explicit or implicit cultural distances that can sometimes undermine effective interactions between immigrant families, their children, and francophone schools?
Theme :
British ColumbiaFrancophonesImmigrationSchool Setting
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here