Approches inter, trans, pluri, multiculturelles en didactique des langues et des cultures
Author :
Volume and number:
, 45‑46
, International Journal of Canadian Studies / Revue internationale d’études canadiennes
Pages :
, 205‑218
In Canada, and more broadly in a globalized world, the contact of cultures is part of our daily reality. In order to equip individuals so they may draw support from situations of plurality, the didactics of language and culture aim to develop, among language learners, sensibilities and practices which allow them to grasp the complexity of linguistic and cultural diversity. We therefore discuss, in the context of language didactics, inter‑, trans-, multi-, and pluri-cultural approaches. This article reviews these designations and their references using two recent international works.
Theme :
Arts ‑ Culture - Heritage - Music
Database: This is a bibliographic reference. Please note that the majority of references in our database do not contain full texts.
- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here