La gouvernance multiniveau dans les nations minoritaires : les cas du Québec‑Canada et de la Catalogne-Espagne
Author :
Volume and number:
, 19
, 1
, Télescope
Pages :
, 156‑175
In this article, I examine multi‑level governance of two minoritynations (Québec and Catalonia) in three policy areas; namely,language, immigration and foreign relations. From this analysis, itappears that multi-level governance is absent from linguistic policy inQuébec-Canada while, on the other hand, immigration policy ishighly formalized in terms of jurisdictional role. Regarding foreign policy, governance varies depending on the particular issue area. Asconcerns Catalonia-Spain, multi-level governance in the area oflinguistic policy is bound to change. It is also present in the area ofimmigration policy, although it has encountered certain difficultiesrelated to fiscal management and the involvement of electedrepresentatives. Finally, foreign relations is a policy area that comesunder the exclusive authority of Madrid.
Theme :
CanadaGovernance – LeadershipLinguistic minoritiesQuebec
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here