The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Symposium - Official Languages Research Issues - January 2008

The Symposium on Official Languages Research Issues, organized through a partnership involving the Official Languages Secretariat, the Official Languages Support Programs Branch (OLSPB) and the Policy Research Group of Canadian Heritage, Statistics Canada, Health Canada, Citizenship and Immigration Canada, the Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages, Industry Canada and the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities (CIRLM), was held in Ottawa on January 10 and 11, 2008.




The initial findings of the Post-Censal Survey on the Vitality of Official Language Minorities and the data from the 2006 Census on languages, migration and mobility will be available in December 2007. In light of this, a symposium on the relevance of the research provides a unique opportunity to shed light on unpublished statistics on the characteristics, behaviours and perceptions of members of various linguistic groups in Canada. The symposium project is also a means to build bridges between university researchers, federal, provincial and territorial government officials, and representatives from official language minority communities in order to produce and use knowledge on official languages and linguistic duality in Canada. The main goal of the symposium is to promote the allocation of resources to analyze the considerable wealth of available data and to encourage exchanges between government officials, academics and community representatives. Discussions will focus on the importance and relevance of official languages research in Canada and will also deal with the connections between knowledge and the development of policies and programs that directly or indirectly affect OLMCs and linguistic duality.


JoAnn Gagnon 
Senior Policy Advisor
Canadian Heritage
Official Languages Secretariat
- Floor: 11-181
15 Eddy Street
Mail Stop: 15-11-A
Gatineau, Quebec
Canada, K1A 0M5 Telephone: 819-934-9189
Fax: 819-934-9199
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

*Participants that are eligible for the reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses, are asked to use send their forms to the address above. ** For participants from outside the National Capital Region (NCR), who are eligible for reimbursement, please be aware that the Treasury Board Secretariat rates apply.


You can download the Symposium presentations below (Presentations are posted below based on the alphabetical order of speakers):

• Réal Allard, Faculté des sciences de l'éducation, Université de Moncton, PDF Format

• Chedly Belkhodja, Université de Moncton and Atlantic Metropolis Center, PDF Format

• Richard Y. Bourhis, Department of psychology, UQAM and CEETUM, University of Montreal, PDF Format 

• Daniel Bourgeois, Canadian Institute for Research on Public Policy and Public Administration, PDF Format

• Jean-Pierre Corbeil, Statistics Canada, PDF Format

• Diane Côté, Fédération des communautés francophones et acadienne du Canada,
PDF Format

• Roger Farley, Health Canada, PDF Format

• Graham Fraser, Commissioner of Official Languages, PDF Format

• Gustave Goldman, Statistics Canada, PDF Format

• Kelly Hill, Hill Strategies Research, PDF Format

• Réjean Lachapelle, Statistics Canada, PDF Format

Rodrigue Landry, Éric Forgues et Christophe Traisnel, Canadien institute for research on linguistic minorities, PDF Format

• Patricia Lamarre, Université de Montréal et Centre d'études ethniques, PDF Format

• Denis Prud’homme, Faculty of Health, University of Ottawa, PDF Format

• Nicole Thibault, Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers, PDF Format

• Larry Vandergrift, Official Languages and Bilingualism Institute, University of Ottawa, PDF Format