Shayna-Eve Hébert
Shayna-Eve Hébert is currently a doctoral student in sociolinguistics at the Université de Moncton (schooling completed and predoctoral exam successfully passed). She holds a bachelor's degree in language sciences and a master's degree in language didactics from Université Laval. Shayna is particularly interested in the role of linguistic ideologies and linguistic representations in the formation of linguistic identity and (il)legitimating experiences in French of people from French immersion in N.B. She has experience in teaching French as a first and second language, and as a lecturer in linguistics (conversational analysis and individual bilingualism) in the French studies department of her institution. Shayna also currently works as a research assistant for the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities (CIRLM) (linguistic discordance in health) and the Centre de recherche sur la langue en Acadie (CRLA) (language insecurity among young people in francophone schools).