Éric Forgues
Executive Director
Eric Forgues received his doctorate degree in sociology from the University of Montréal. His thesis subject was on the role of the state in the economic development of Francophones in Quebec. Since 1998, he has carried out research at the Université de Moncton on community development, health and welfare, as well as regional and sustainable development. He has taught at the Université de Moncton in sociology and environmental studies. He has also served as innovation officer at the Bureau de soutien à l'innovation (Innovation Support Office) of Université de Moncton. Since 2012, he is the Executive Director of the Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities. He held the position of Assistant Director and Researcher at the CIRLM from 2003 to 2012. His work deals in particular with the development of minority communities, governance, taking language into account when organizing public services, linguistic engagement, and, more recently, cultural events, memory and identity in minority situations.
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