le carrefour national de la recherche sur les communautés de langue officielle en situation minoritaire

Commissariat aux langues officielles

Publications sur les minorités linguistiques

, (2021 ), Ce que la population Canadienne pense du bilinguisme officiel et de la Loi sur les langues officielles, Gatineau, Québec, Commissariat aux langues officielles, 1, Rapport du gouvernement.

, (2021 ), Mieux comprendre l'insécurité linguistique, Gatineau, Québec, Commissariat aux langues officielles, 1, Rapport du gouvernement.

, (2021 ), Rapport annuel 2020-2021, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2016 ), Rapport annuel 2015-2016, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2015 ), Rapport annuel 2014-2015, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2014 ), Rapport annuel 2013-2014, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2013 ), Rapport annuel 2012-2013, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2012 ), Rapport annuel 2011-2012, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2008 ), Rapport annuel 2007-2008, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2007 ), Droits linguistiques, 2005-2006, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2007 ), Language Rights, 2005-2006, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2007 ), Rapport annuel 2006-2007, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2006 ), Loi sur les langues officielles, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2006 ), Loi sur les langues officielles, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2006 ), Official Languages Act, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2005 ), Audit of the Language of Work at National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2005 ), Droits linguistiques 2003-2004, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2005 ), Language Rights, 2003-2004, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2005 ), Rapport annuel 2004-2005 (Volume II), Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2004 ), French: a truly official language, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2004 ), Le français : une langue résolument officielle, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2004 ), Rapport annuel 2003-2004, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2003 ), Language Rights, 2001-2002, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2003 ), Les droits linguistiques 2001-2002, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2003 ), Linguistic Duality in Commercial Advertising and Sponsorships, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2003 ), Rapport annuel 2002-2003 : Le tissu social canadien, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2002 ), Les langues officielles sur Internet, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2002 ), Official Languages on the Internet, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2001 ), Language Rights, 1999-2000, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2001 ), Les droits linguistiques 1999-2000, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (2001 ), Our Official Languages: As a Century Ends and a Millennium Begins, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2000 ), Cooperation Between the Government and the Communities, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (2000 ), Official Languages in the Canadian Sport System: Volume 1, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1999 ), Le gouvernement du Canada et le français sur Internet, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (1999 ), Motivations for School Choices by Eligible Parents Outside Quebec, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1999 ), The Government of Canada and French on the Internet: Special Study, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1998 ), School Governance: The Implementation of Section 23 of the Charter, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1995 ), French and English in the Workplace: What Federal Employees Need to Know, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1993 ), Les langues officielles : les faits, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (1993 ), Official Languages: Basic Facts, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1991 ), Annotated Bibliography of the Official Languages of Canada, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1991 ), Les langues officielles : des faits et des chiffres, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.

, (1990 ), Our two official languages over time, Ottawa, Office of the Commissioner of Official Languages.

, (1973 ), Le livre de la jungle des langues officielles, Ottawa, Commissariat aux langues officielles.