The role of the secondary school principal in Quebec English schools
Année :
Auteur(e) :
Maison d’édition :
, McGill University
The purpose of this study was to examine the role of the secondary school principal in anglophone Quebec. A sample of eighteen experienced principals were interviewed in‑depth about their role expectations, sources of role conflict, and their sense of ambiguity. Role ambiguity appeared to be non-existent in the principalship. Expectations and conflicts were identified with regard to students, teachers, parents, community members, and principal’s superiors. The principalship was clearly more a managerial than leadership role. Principals were responders to a series of problems and issues. They orchestrated responses. Instructional leadership was not a part of their role.
Thème :
Anglophones au QuébecÉducationInstitutionsMilieu scolaire
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