Tranchant, Carole C.
Professor Researcher
Université de Moncton
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Faculté des sciences de la santé et des services communautaires École des sciences des aliments, de nutrition et d'étude familiales
Teams, groups, centres and institutes
Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire sur la santé mentale des enfants et des jeunes (GRISMEJ), Groupe de recherche interdisciplinaire en droits de l'enfant (GRIDE); Canadian Institute of Research for Linguistic Minorities
Interest with research on linguistic minorities
Aboriginal Peoples, Environment, Cultural Minorities, Early Childhood, Community Practices, Health and Wellness, Science, Food Security, Aging, Youth
Tranchant CC, Iancu P, Dubé A, Bourdon L, Clair L, Doucet D, Dezetter A, Robichaud S, Malchow J, Joachin A, Beaton AM (2019). Expériences de la stigmatisation en lien avec la santé mentale chez des jeunes de trois communautés au Nouveau-Brunswick [Experiences of stigma related to mental illness among youth in three New Brunswick communities]. Reflets - Revue d’intervention sociale et communautaire, 25, 36-64.
Dubé A, Iancu P, Tranchant CC, Doucet D, Joachin A, Malchow J*, Robichaud S*, Bourdon L, Bourque J, Malla A, Beaton AM (2019). Transforming child and youth mental health care: ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick in the rural Francophone region of the Acadian Peninsula. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13, 27-32.
Publications on Linguistic Minorities
- Tranchant, Carole C.; Iancu, Penelopia; Dubé, Anik; Bourdon, Laure; Clair, Lacey; Doucet, Danielle; Dezetter, Anne; Robichaud, Sophie; Malchow, Julie; Joachin, Aduel; Beaton, Ann;
- Dubé, Anik; Iancu, Penelopia; Tranchant, Carole C.; Doucet, Danielle; Joachin, Aduel; Malchow, Julie; Robichaud, Sophie; Haché, Martine; Godin, Isabelle; Bourdon, Laure; Bourque, Jimmy; Iyer, Srividya N.; Malla, Ashok; Beaton, Ann;
, (2018
), Faces of Food Insecurity Among Francophones in the Maritimes, Moncton, Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities.
- Pépin-Filion, Dominique; Tranchant, Carole C.; Forgues, Éric; Carrier, Natalie; LeBlanc, Caroline P.; LeBlanc, Joannie; Guignard Noël, Josée (coll.); Patenaude, Laurie-Anne (coll.);
Dubé A, Iancu P, Tranchant CC, Doucet D, Joachin A, Malchow J*, Robichaud S*, Bourdon L, Bourque J, Malla A, Beaton AM (2019). Transforming child and youth mental health care: ACCESS Open Minds New Brunswick in the rural Francophone region of the Acadian Peninsula. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 13, 27-32.