Protocole d’évaluation de la sécurité à domicile (PESAD) : version francophone du SAFER‑HOME v.3
Author :
, 28
, Francophonies d’Amérique
Pages :
, 197‑212
La santé des francophones vivant en milieu minoritaire est un sujet d’actualité. Récemment, les centres scolaires communautaires (CSC) ont commencé à explorer leur contribution en cette matière, puisque traditionnellement, leurs activités portaient sur les besoins culturels, éducatifs et sociaux des francophones. Cet article présente les résultats d’une étude qui examinait la capacité des CSC à augmenter le contact avec la langue française dans huit domaines de vie. Les centres ne semblent pas encore contribuer à l’augmentation des contacts avec la langue française dans le domaine de la santé. Toutefois, des exemples révèlent qu’ils peuvent influencer, entre autres, la santé physique (cours d’aérobie, sports collectifs) et psychologique (cours sur la gestion du stress).
The health of Francophones living in a minority environment is a topical subject. Recently the school and community centres (SCCs) began to explore their contribution in this regard, since traditionally they placed their emphasis on Francophone cultural, educational and social needs. We present the results of a study that looked at the ability of the SCCs to increase contact with the French language in eight areas of life. The centres do not yet seem to contribute to an increased use of the French language in the field of health. However, some examples provided suggest that they may be able to have an influence in areas such as physical fitness (aerobics classes, team sports) and psychological health (stress management classes) among others.
The health of Francophones living in a minority environment is a topical subject. Recently the school and community centres (SCCs) began to explore their contribution in this regard, since traditionally they placed their emphasis on Francophone cultural, educational and social needs. We present the results of a study that looked at the ability of the SCCs to increase contact with the French language in eight areas of life. The centres do not yet seem to contribute to an increased use of the French language in the field of health. However, some examples provided suggest that they may be able to have an influence in areas such as physical fitness (aerobics classes, team sports) and psychological health (stress management classes) among others.
Theme :
Community Education CentersFrancophonesLinguistic minoritiesHealth and Wellness
Database: This is a bibliographic reference. Please note that the majority of references in our database do not contain full texts.
- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here