Difference and Diversity in Ontario Schooling
Author :
Volume and number:
, 22 (2)
, Canadian Journal of Education / Revue canadienne de l'éducation
Pages :
, 192-206
L'auteure propose un survol historique de la production et du traitement de la diversité humaine dans les politiques et pratiques scolaires en Ontario. Tout en mettant l'accent sur l'identité de l'élève, elle identifie cinq modèles distincts qui caractérisent le traitement de la différence et de la diversité dans les milieux d'éducation et milite en faveur de la poursuite de l'analyse de la production et du traitement de la différence dans les écoles. Bien que son expérience porte sur l'Ontario, ses conclusions peuvent être utiles pour les universitaires et les professionnels qui se penchent sur les questions de différence et de diversité dans d'autres contextes scolaires.
I offer an historical overview of the production and treatment of human difference and diversity in Ontario school policy and practices. With a focus on the identity of state and student, I identify five distinct patterns that have characterized the educational treatment of difference and diversity, and argue for the continuing interrogation of how difference is produced and treated in schools. Although my evidence is derived from Ontario, the conclusions may be useful for scholars and professionals grappling with issues of difference and diversity in other school contexts.
I offer an historical overview of the production and treatment of human difference and diversity in Ontario school policy and practices. With a focus on the identity of state and student, I identify five distinct patterns that have characterized the educational treatment of difference and diversity, and argue for the continuing interrogation of how difference is produced and treated in schools. Although my evidence is derived from Ontario, the conclusions may be useful for scholars and professionals grappling with issues of difference and diversity in other school contexts.
Theme :
School SettingOntario
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here