Mobilité géolinguistique de la population de langue maternelle française au Québec et en Ontario
Author :
Volume and number:
, 18
, 4
, Canadian Journal of Sociology / Cahiers canadiens de sociologie
Pages :
, 383-404
La présente étude explore le lien entre mobilité géographique et mobilité linguistique en prenant, comme sujet d'étude, la population de langue maternelle française habitant le Québec et l'Ontario en 1986. Les résultats montrent que le comportement linguistique, notamment face à l'anglais langue parlée à la maison, entretient une relation assez régulière et relativement cohérente avec le comportement spatial. D'une part, on y décèle une nette corrélation positive entre la mobilité spatiale et la mobilité linguistique. D'autre part, il semble que la capacité des différents milieux linguistiques à imposer la langue dominante favorise nettement les milieux anglophones.
The relation between geographic and linguistic mobility among the population of French mother tongue in Ontario and Québec is explored. The results show that language behaviour, in particular the use of English as home language, is fairly regularly and coherently related to spatial behaviour. A distinct positive correlation between geographic and linguistic mobility is observed. It would seem, furthermore, that the ability of various linguistic environments to impose the dominant language is notably stronger when the dominant language is English.
The relation between geographic and linguistic mobility among the population of French mother tongue in Ontario and Québec is explored. The results show that language behaviour, in particular the use of English as home language, is fairly regularly and coherently related to spatial behaviour. A distinct positive correlation between geographic and linguistic mobility is observed. It would seem, furthermore, that the ability of various linguistic environments to impose the dominant language is notably stronger when the dominant language is English.
Theme :
FrancophonesOntarioLinguistic LandscapeQuebec
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- To consult references on the health of official‑language minority communities (OLMC): click here