Schooling and cultural autonomy : a Canada-wide study in Francophone minority schools
Publishing Company:
, Canadian Institute for Research on Linguistic Minorities
This research report presents a Canada-wide social and linguistic profile of Grade 11 students attending French-language high schools in the Francophone school boards of the Fédération nationale des conseils scolaires francophones (FNCSF). Thirty of the 31 school boards participated in the study.1 Through this profile, we are better able to understand the language experiences of those students who will soon be completing high school and assess their psycholinguistic development within a vast range of vitality contexts. The study measures their contacts with the English and French languages from childhood, both with respect to quantity and quality. It also proposes to measure the results of this bilingual ethnolinguistic socialization, which helps to shed light on students’ ethnolinguistic identity building, their beliefs regarding the vitality of the Francophone and Anglophone communities, their motivations for learning and using both of the country’s official languages, their linguistic competencies and, finally, their various language behaviours.
1 Only the Nunavut school board was unable to participate because its school did not offer a French instruction program after Grade 9.
1 Only the Nunavut school board was unable to participate because its school did not offer a French instruction program after Grade 9.
Theme :
Cultural autonomyFrancophones Outside QuebecSchool Setting