The National Research Hub on Official Language Minority Communities

Publication of issue number 15-16 - Linguistic Minorities and Society

All articles now available on Érudit

A Word From the Managing Editor / Mot du directeur
Réal Allard

Introduction / Présentation

Public Policy and Citizen-Based Practices That Support Social and Health Services for Official and Co-Official Language Minority Communities. An International Perspective: What Has Really Been Achieved and Where Are the Gaps? / Politiques publiques et pratiques citoyennes soutenant les services sociaux et de santé pour les communautés minoritaires de langues officielles et coofficielles. Une perspective internationale : ce qui a été accompli et ce qui reste à faire
Louise Bouchard, Fredrica Nyqvist, Isidor Marí Mayans, Solange van Kemenade and Alexander R. Maisonneuve


Being Small and Outnumbered: Service and Sociocultural Exclusion Among Older Linguistic Minorities in Finland
Fredrica Nyqvist, Siv Björklund, Marina Lindell and Mikael Nygård

Welfare Services from a Minority Perspective. Explaining Satisfaction with Language-Based Welfare Services among Swedish-Speaking Finns
Staffan Himmelroos, Isak Vento and Åsa von Schoultz

Rhetoric and Reality: A Critical Review of Language Policy and Legislation Governing Official Minority Language Use in Health and Social Care in Wales
Cynog Prys, Rhian Hodges and Gwerfyl Wyn Roberts

Bilingualism in the Health System: the Catalan Case
Òscar-Adrià Ibáñez Ferreté and Neus Mestres i Farré

The Debate on Staff Language Competences and the Use of Official Languages in the Balearic Islands Health System
Maria Ballester Cardell and Isidor Marí Mayans

Approach to the Status and Management of Languages in the Catalan Public Health Care System
Jordi Pere Mas

The Basque Paradigm Shift: From Legislative Language Policies to Person-Centred Care
Aitor Montes Lasarte, Xabier Arauzo and Jon Zarate Sesma

Strategies to Improve French Language Health and Social Service Continuity for Seniors in Ontario and Manitoba
Jacinthe Savard, Sébastien Savard, Danielle de Moissac, Florette Giasson and Lucy-Ann Kubina

Improving Access to Health Services in French: The Power of Networking and Knowledge Mobilization, a Proven Canadian Model
Michel Tremblay and Anne Leis

Quebec’s English-Speaking Community and the Partnership Approach of Its Networks in Health
Joanne Pocock